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Grading Policies




The second grade grading scale is as follows:

A       90-100

B       80-89

C       70-79

D       60-69

F        0-59


For report card purposes, students are given a grade in Language Arts (Reading/Writing), Math, Science, and Social Studies for each nine weeks period.


Students will have a variety of ways to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts/skills. 


Nine-week grades are determined by a combination of the following:

  • Classwork Assignments

  • Individual/Group Projects

  • Chapter Assessments

  • Quizzes

  • Unit Assessments


ELA-Reading and Writing


Comprehension/Vocab. Tests- 60%

Writing/Spelling- 20%

Classwork- 20%




Tests- 50%

Quizzes- 30%



Science/Social Studies


Tests- 40%

Projects- 40%

Classwork- 20%


Graded Work and Progress Reports

At the beginning of each week, students will receive all graded work from the previous week.  This will serve as a constant progress report of how well your child is during in the classroom.  It’s essential that parents review graded work and go over problems/questions students got incorrectly. If students receive 60% or below on any graded classwork then students will be given the opportunity to “Redo” the assignment and return by the end of the school week. Also students that score less than 60% on math assessments will be given the opportunity to retake the test. The two scores will be averaged to receive the new score.  However student won’t be able to earn higher than 70%. In the case of an excused absence(s), work may be made up for full credit within one week.  


Citizenship/Behavior Grades

The behavior of each student will be assessed by teacher observations. The six areas that will be evaluated are:

1.Ability to follow rules

2.Demonstration of self-control

3.Respect for authority

4.Ability to carry out responsibilities

5.Openness to feedback

6.Ability to get along


Homework/Student Planners

Students will record daily homework assignments in their student planners. Parents need to read and sign student planners daily. Students that choose not to bring in homework assignments or student planners will receive a lower Work/Study Skills grade.  It is very important that your child brings his/her student planner everyday to class.  All parent information will be sent home in student planners and/or parent folders.  Parents should use student planners to write any notes for the teacher to read.





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